Here is the school that the kids will be going to. We went to visit and got a tour and a chance to meet the principal today. It is about a 15 minute walk from our house, walking at a kid pace.
The kids felt at ease after meeting Principal McKenna and checking out the "toys".

Ian in his Primary 5 classroom or P5 for short. This is for kids who are 8-9 years old. There were lots of cool books to read. Ian is looking forward to PE where they have PE kits and have to change into shorts and t-shirts to play.

Gabe's Primary 3 classroom. He thought the tables were really cool and thinks that Mrs. Ally at MRA should get some for her classroom.

Avery in the Primary 2 classroom. This will be Avery's first year in school but in Ireland they start at the age of 4 so she already gets bumped up a level. We hope she will fit right in.
I haven't looked at your postings for awhile!! You are all over the place, good for you. This is an amazing time in your family's life. I sure hope your folks can go over to see you. I hear that Cam's will be there in September.....Hugs to you and thank you for these wonderful pictures, memories and stories. Miss you